How to Boost Your Immune Defense: 3 Essential ways to boost the immune system Naturally with Foods, Vitamins & Supplements

Gut Health
How to Boost Your Immune Defense: 3 Essential ways to boost the immune system Naturally with Foods, Vitamins & Supplements


  1. Introduction
  2. Immue System Overview
  3. 3 Ways to boost your immune defenses
  4. DNA & the immune system
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQ

In 30 seconds...Dive into the fascinating world of immune health, where our body's defense mechanism stands tall against external threats. Our genetic makeup is a game-changer, influencing the strength of this defense. With DNA tests, we can unlock insights into our genetic predispositions and how they shape our immune responses. Boosting immunity isn't just about genes; it's about choices. From antioxidant-rich berries and inflammation-fighting turmeric to the power of Vitamin C and D, there are natural ways to supercharge our immunity. And in today's age, understanding our DNA is the golden ticket to a healthier, more resilient self. Dive in and discover the dance between genetics, nutrition, and robust immune health.

Immune Boost Introduction

In the vast realm of health and wellness, the immune system stands as a sentinel, guarding our bodies against external invaders. It's our first line of defence, and its efficiency can mean the difference between falling ill and staying healthy. But did you know that our genetic makeup plays a pivotal role in determining how robust this defence is? Let's embark on a journey to understand the intricate dance between genetics, nutrition, and our immune health.

Understanding the Immune System

The immune system is our body's remarkable defence mechanism, designed to protect us from a vast array of external threats. From the common cold to more severe infections, it's this system that stands between us and a world teeming with microorganisms.

At its core, the immune system comprises a sophisticated network of cells, tissues, and organs. These elements collaborate in a coordinated dance to detect, confront, and neutralise potential threats. Let's delve deeper into its intricacies:

White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)

Often considered the stars of the immune show, white blood cells patrol our body, seeking out foreign invaders. They come in two main types:

  • Phagocytes: These cells 'eat' and destroy harmful bacteria.
  • Lymphocytes: Originating in the bone marrow and maturing in the lymphatic system, these cells remember previous invaders and help the body destroy them. Lymphocytes can be further divided into B-cells, which produce antibodies to combat toxins, and T-cells, which target infected cells.

Organs and Tissues

The immune system isn't just about cells; it's also about where these cells are produced and housed. The bone marrow, for instance, is where all blood cells, including those vital white blood cells, are created. The lymphatic system, comprising the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels, houses these cells and also facilitates their movement.

Skin and Mucous Membranes

Often overlooked, our skin is a primary barrier against pathogens. Similarly, mucous membranes in areas like our nose and throat trap these invaders, preventing them from going further.

However, as with all biological systems, there's a spectrum of efficiency. Some individuals might boast a hyper-responsive immune system, which, while great at fending off diseases, might overreact, leading to allergies or autoimmune disorders. This is what's referred to as an overactive immune system. Conversely, some might grapple with a low immune system, marked by frequent infections and prolonged recovery times.

But what causes these differences? Our DNA holds the answer. Encoded within our genetic material are instructions that dictate how our immune system responds to threats.

The Genetic Connection: DNA & Immune Health

Gene and Genome: At the heart of our cells lies the DNA, a long molecule that contains our unique genetic code. This code is organised into genes, and the complete set of genes in an organism is termed its genome. The gene and genome interplay is crucial in determining various aspects of our health, including our immune response.

DNA Testing and Immune Insights
: Modern science has blessed us with tools like DNA testing. By taking a simple DNA test, one can gain insights into their genetic predispositions. These tests, which range in complexity and price from basic at home DNA test kits to more advanced genome sequencing, can reveal how our genes influence our immune health.

Types of DNA
: DNA isn't just a one-size-fits-all molecule. There are various types of DNA, each with its unique structure and function. Some types are more directly linked to our immune responses than others.

3 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Our immune system is a marvel of nature, constantly working to keep us healthy. But like all systems, it can benefit from a little boost. You may have come here asking questions like which vitamins boost immune system? Do immune boosting supplements actually work? Here are some essential ways you can enhance your immune health:

1. Immune Boosting Foods


Nature's tiny powerhouses, berries such as blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are not just delightful to taste but are also packed with vital nutrients. They are rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, which help in neutralising harmful free radicals in the body. By reducing oxidative stress, these antioxidants fortify the immune system, enabling it to function optimally.

Leafy Greens

Vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are the unsung heroes of nutrition. They are abundant in vitamins A, C, and E, and also contain a good amount of fibre and minerals. These nutrients collectively support the immune system by aiding in the production of white blood cells and providing anti-inflammatory benefits.


A creamy delight, yogurt is a fantastic source of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that reside in our gut. These bacteria play a crucial role in maintaining gut health, which is intrinsically linked to our immune function. A healthy gut can enhance the body's defence against pathogens and also aid in the production of certain vitamins that bolster immunity.


This golden-hued spice, often used in curries, is renowned for its medicinal properties. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, possesses strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. By reducing inflammation and combating oxidative stress, turmeric supports a healthy and responsive immune system.


Beyond its role as a flavour enhancer in dishes, garlic is a treasure trove of health benefits. It's rich in compounds like allicin, which are known for their antiviral and antibacterial effects. Consuming garlic can help strengthen the body's defences against infections, making it a staple in immune-boosting diets.

2. Vitamins for Immune Boost

Vitamin C

Often associated with immune defence, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that aids the body in combating infections. It enhances the function of white blood cells, making them more effective against pathogens. While citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are popular sources, other foods such as strawberries, bell peppers, and kiwi are also rich in this vital vitamin.

Vitamin D

Termed the 'sunshine vitamin', our bodies synthesise Vitamin D upon exposure to sunlight. It's not just essential for bone health; Vitamin D also modulates the immune response, ensuring it's neither too weak nor too aggressive. Apart from sunlight, dietary sources include fatty fish like salmon, fortified foods, and egg yolks.

Vitamin E

This fat-soluble antioxidant plays a pivotal role in supporting the immune system, especially in older adults. By neutralising free radicals, it protects cells from damage and helps in the production of immune cells. Foods rich in Vitamin E include nuts, particularly almonds, sunflower seeds, and green vegetables like spinach.

3. Supplements to Enhance Immunity


The importance of a balanced gut cannot be overstated when discussing immunity. The gut houses a vast majority of our immune cells, making its health paramount to our overall immune function. Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that help in maintaining this delicate balance. By populating the gut with these friendly microbes, they aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and ensure that harmful pathogens don't get an upper hand. Foods like yogurt and fermented vegetables, as well as probiotic supplements, can help in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

Turkey Tail Mushroom

A staple in traditional medicine, the Turkey Tail Mushroom is revered for its immune-boosting properties. It contains compounds called polysaccharopeptides which are known to enhance the activity of white blood cells, making them more effective in warding off infections. Additionally, it's rich in antioxidants, further supporting immune health.


This herb has been used for centuries, primarily to treat colds and flu. Echinacea works by stimulating the immune system, increasing the production of white blood cells, and enhancing their ability to fight off pathogens. Several studies have shown that regular consumption of Echinacea can reduce the duration and severity of colds.


An essential trace mineral, Selenium plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy immune system. It aids in the production and function of white blood cells, ensuring they respond effectively to infections. Additionally, Selenium acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage. Foods like Brazil nuts, fish, and whole grains are rich sources of this mineral, but it's also available in supplement form.

The Role of DNA Fingerprinting in Immune Health

Our DNA holds the blueprint of our entire being, from our physical appearance to our susceptibility to certain health conditions. Within this vast genetic code lie clues about our immune system's strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics.

Are DNA Health Tests Worth it? DNA Test Price & Genetic Testing Cost

While the benefits of understanding one's genetic predispositions are immense, it's essential to be aware of the DNA test price. The cost can vary based on the complexity of the test. For instance, a simple at home DNA test might be more affordable than a comprehensive genome sequencing.

DNA Sequencing & Immune Insights

DNA sequencing is a technique that reads the exact order of bases in a DNA molecule. By sequencing DNA, scientists can identify genes that might be linked to certain immune conditions or susceptibilities.

DNA Health Test

Priced at £99.00, the DNA Health Test offers a comprehensive assessment of your genetic makeup. Using just a simple saliva sample, this test examines over 250 genetic markers that can influence a myriad of health-related traits. These include risks for certain diseases, dietary and nutritional needs, and even physical attributes like muscle composition. The results, which are typically available in 4-6 weeks, provide a detailed overview of your nutrition, physical attributes, vitamin requirements, and other health insights. With this knowledge, you can take proactive steps to maintain or even enhance your health.

DNA + Epigenetic Health Test

For those seeking a deeper dive into their genetic profile, the DNA + Epigenetic Health Test is available at £199.00. This cutting-edge test not only examines your DNA but also looks at over 100 epigenetic markers. Epigenetics studies how genes are expressed without any change in the DNA sequence itself. Factors like environment, diet, and lifestyle can influence this expression. With this test, you'll understand both your genetic predispositions and how your genes are currently expressed. The insights cover areas such as nutrition, vitamin requirements, mental health, and even provide an inflammation score.

Personalised Health: Invest In You

By investing in these tests, you're not just buying a product; you're gaining a roadmap to better health. With the insights from these tests, you can make informed decisions, whether it's tweaking your diet, adjusting your exercise regimen, or understanding potential health risks. In the age of personalised medicine, understanding your DNA is the first step towards a healthier you.

Natural Immunity Challenges in Modern Times

Immune Response to COVID

In the current global landscape, the topic of immunity to COVID has garnered immense attention. Research indicates that specific genetic factors can influence an individual's response to the virus. With the DNA Health Test, individuals can gain insights into their 'Virus Risk Score'. This score provides an understanding of one's genetic predisposition to viral infections, including COVID, offering a clearer picture of potential vulnerabilities.

Air Quality and Immune Health

Environmental factors play a significant role in our overall health, and the quality of the air we breathe is no exception. Poor air quality can be a silent assailant on our immune system. The DNA Health Test goes a step further by providing an Air Quality Index based on your GPS location. This real-time data allows individuals to be aware of their surroundings and make informed decisions, whether it's choosing to stay indoors on a particular day or investing in air purifiers.

Boosting Immunity During Illness

Knowing how to bolster one's immune system when unwell is paramount. This often involves a holistic approach, combining adequate rest, optimal nutrition, and specific supplements tailored to individual needs. Armed with the knowledge from the DNA Health Test, individuals can make more informed choices, ensuring a swift recovery and robust immune response.


Our immune system is a marvel of nature, a complex interplay of cells and reactions. But with the power of genetics and the right lifestyle choices, we can give it the boost it needs. Whether it's through natural foods, supplements, or understanding our DNA, the path to robust immune health is within our grasp.

Discover more about DNA and Epigenetic Health tests and how they can provide deeper insights into your immune health.

FAQs on Boosting Immune System

How can you boost your immune system after COVID?

Recovering from COVID-19 can be a challenging journey, and post-COVID care is of utmost importance. To aid in recovery:

  • Diet: Incorporate nutrient-rich foods that support immune function. This includes foods high in vitamins and minerals, such as citrus fruits, leafy greens, and lean proteins.
  • Rest: Ensure you get adequate sleep, as this is the time when the body repairs and rejuvenates itself.
  • Supplements: Consider immune-boosting supplements like Vitamin C, Zinc, and Elderberry, but always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

How can you boost your immune system naturally?

The body has its innate mechanisms to fend off pathogens, but we can enhance this natural defence by:

  • Diet: Consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins ensures the body gets essential nutrients.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity promotes good circulation, allowing immune cells to move freely and do their job efficiently.
  • Sleep: Aiming for 7-9 hours of sleep nightly helps in cellular repair and regeneration.
  • Stress Management: Chronic stress can weaken the immune system, so practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and hobbies can help in managing stress.

Can you boost your immune system?

Absolutely! The immune system is dynamic and can be influenced by our daily choices. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, consuming a nutrient-rich diet, staying hydrated, managing stress, and considering specific supplements, one can significantly enhance their immune health.

What vitamins help in boosting the immune system?

Certain vitamins play a crucial role in immune function:

  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant that aids in the production of white blood cells and supports barrier function against pathogens.
  • Vitamin D: Modulates the immune response and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamin E: Protects cells from oxidative damage and supports the production of immune cells.

What foods are known to enhance natural immunity?

Several foods have properties that can bolster the immune system:

  • Berries: Rich in antioxidants, they help in neutralising harmful free radicals.
  • Garlic: Contains allicin, known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties.
  • Turmeric: Contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.
  • Spinach: Packed with Vitamin C, beta carotene, and numerous antioxidants.
