Decode Your Training: 10 Must-Know Genes That Affect Your Exercise & Training

DNA Testing
Decode Your Training: 10 Must-Know Genes That Affect Your Exercise & Training

10 must-know genes that affect exercise


  1. Introduction
  2. ACTN3: The Speed Gene
  3. ACE: The Endurance Gene
  4. VEGF: The Oxygen Delivery Gene
  5. PPARA: The Energy Metabolism Master
  6. BDNF: The Brain Boosting Exercise Gene
  7. COL1A1: The Injury Risk Gene
  8. IL-6: The Inflammation and Recovery Gene
  9. Step-by-Step Guide to Unraveling Your Genetics and Enhancing Your Training
  10. Conclusion
In 30 seconds.... Our genes play a significant role in exercise and training, impacting everything from muscle strength to injury risk. In this blog, we explore 10 crucial genes that affect exercise and training, including ACTN3, ACE, VEGF, PPARA, BDNF, COL1A1, and IL-6. By understanding our unique genetic makeup, we can tailor our training routines for optimal results. We provide a step-by-step guide to genetic testing and implementing personalized recommendations into our training and lifestyle. Remember, genetics are essential, but hard work, consistency, and a healthy lifestyle are crucial to achieving fitness goals.


Our genes have a profound impact on our exercise and training, influencing everything from our muscle fiber composition to our oxygen delivery system. The field of exercise genetics provides fascinating insights into how our unique genetic makeup can help us optimize our training routine for optimal results. By understanding how our genes influence our athletic potential, we can identify our strengths and weaknesses and make informed decisions about our exercise choices. In this blog, we delve into the world of exercise genetics and explore 10 crucial genes that play a vital role in our exercise and training. These genes include ACTN3, ACE, VEGF, PPARA, BDNF, COL1A1, and IL-6. Understanding the impact of these genes can help us tailor our training routine to achieve our fitness goals more efficiently. Our step-by-step guide offers information on genetic testing and personalized recommendations, enabling you to unlock the power of your unique genetic makeup.

ACTN3: The Speed Gene

Pedaling fast on an assault bike

The ACTN3 gene is a fascinating gene when it comes to athletic performance. It encodes for a protein called alpha-actinin-3 that is mostly found in fast-twitch muscle fibers. These fibers are essential for explosive movements such as sprinting and weightlifting. People have two common alleles of the ACTN3 gene: R and X. Those with the RR or RX genotype have the ability to produce the alpha-actinin-3 protein and are more likely to excel in power and speed-based sports. Conversely, individuals with the XX genotype lack this protein and may be more inclined towards endurance-based activities.

Research has shown that the ACTN3 gene is one of the most well-studied genes related to athletic performance. One study published in the journal PLOS ONE found that the RR genotype was significantly more common among elite power athletes compared to non-elite athletes. In fact, over 80% of the elite power athletes had the RR genotype, while only 18% of non-elite athletes had this genotype. Another study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that the XX genotype was more common among endurance athletes compared to the general population. The study also found that individuals with the XX genotype performed better in endurance-based activities compared to those with the RR or RX genotype.

Understanding your ACTN3 genotype can help you tailor your training routine to optimize your genetic strengths. For example, if you have the RR or RX genotype, incorporating plyometrics and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) might be beneficial for enhancing power and speed-based performance. On the other hand, individuals with the XX genotype may benefit from endurance training and focusing on activities such as long-distance running.

It's worth noting that Usain Bolt, widely considered to be the fastest man in history, possesses the RR genotype of the ACTN3 gene. This may have contributed to his remarkable speed and success in sprinting. So, whether you're looking to improve your performance in power or endurance-based sports, understanding your ACTN3 genotype can help you tailor your training routine to capitalize on your genetic strengths.

ACE: The Endurance Gene

While the ACE gene may not be as well-known as the "speed gene" ACTN3, it is just as important in the world of exercise genetics. The ACE gene is involved in regulating blood pressure and blood flow during exercise, which can have a significant impact on both endurance and muscle strength. And with two common alleles - I and D - the variations in the ACE gene can make a real difference in your athletic potential.

So, what does this mean for you? Well, if you possess the II genotype, your genetics may predispose you to excel in endurance sports such as marathon running or cycling. On the other hand, if you have the DD genotype, you may have a natural advantage in power-based sports such as weightlifting or sprinting. And if you have the ID genotype, your genetic makeup may provide a balance between endurance and strength.

Studies have shown that individuals with the II genotype tend to have a greater capacity for endurance exercise, with one study finding that marathon runners with the II genotype were able to run an average of 16 minutes faster than their DD counterparts. Similarly, individuals with the DD genotype have been found to have a greater capacity for explosive power activities such as sprinting and jumping.

But what about real-life examples? Well, Paula Radcliffe, the world-record-holding marathon runner, has the II genotype of the ACE gene, contributing to her incredible endurance capabilities. And if you're a fan of tennis, you might be interested to know that Rafael Nadal, one of the greatest tennis players of all time, has the DD genotype, potentially contributing to his explosive power and speed on the court.

Understanding your ACE genotype can help you make informed decisions about your exercise choices and prioritize training methods that align with your genetic predispositions. And while genetics certainly play a role in athletic potential, it's important to remember that hard work, dedication, and a healthy lifestyle are also crucial for achieving your fitness goals. So, let your ACE genotype be your guide, but never forget the power of your own determination and effort!

VEGF: The Oxygen Delivery Gene

The VEGF gene, short for vascular endothelial growth factor, is a gene responsible for blood vessel formation and oxygen delivery during exercise. Oxygen is vital for muscle function, and having an efficient oxygen delivery system can help enhance endurance performance. The C allele of the VEGF gene has been linked to increased blood vessel growth, which can allow for better oxygen delivery and improved endurance.

Knowing your VEGF genotype can help you fine-tune your training routine to take advantage of your body's unique strengths. If you have the CC genotype, you might benefit from incorporating more endurance-focused training, such as long, steady-state cardio sessions, to take advantage of your efficient oxygen delivery system. On the other hand, if you have the TT genotype, which is associated with decreased blood vessel growth, you might consider adding interval training or other forms of high-intensity training to improve your endurance.

Interestingly, a study conducted on elite endurance athletes found that those with the CC genotype of the VEGF gene had significantly better performance in a 10,000-meter race compared to those with other genotypes. So, if you have the CC genotype, don't be afraid to push yourself in endurance events, as your body may be primed to excel. And even if you don't have the CC genotype, remember that hard work, consistency, and a healthy lifestyle are just as important as genetics when it comes to achieving your fitness goals.

PPARA: The Energy Metabolism Master

The PPARA gene is a key regulator of energy metabolism and helps the body utilize fats as a source of fuel during exercise. The G allele of the PPARA gene is associated with better endurance capacity and a more efficient response to endurance training. In other words, if you have the G allele, you might have a natural advantage in endurance sports due to your body's ability to use fats for energy more efficiently.

Understanding your PPARA genotype can help you optimize your training regimen to take advantage of your genetic strengths. If you have the G allele, incorporating more endurance-based activities into your routine, such as running or cycling, might be especially beneficial. You could also consider adding low-intensity, long-duration cardio sessions to help improve your endurance even further.

It's worth noting that while genetics do play a role in exercise capacity, it's important to remember that consistent training, healthy lifestyle choices, and hard work can significantly impact your fitness level, regardless of your genetic makeup.

Fun fact: A study of elite Finnish athletes found that those with the GG genotype of the PPARA gene had better endurance performance compared to those with other genotypes.

BDNF: The Brain Boosting Exercise Gene

The BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) gene is a crucial gene that regulates the production of a protein vital for brain function, learning, and memory. Regular exercise has been found to increase BDNF levels, which can lead to improved cognitive performance. The C allele of the BDNF gene has been associated with a higher increase in BDNF levels in response to exercise.

Individuals with the CC genotype may benefit from significant cognitive benefits from regular exercise, such as enhanced mood, reduced stress, and better focus. Therefore, if you have the CC genotype, prioritizing regular workouts not only for the physical gains but also for the mental boost might be a wise decision.

Fun fact: The feeling of euphoria that some people experience during extended exercise, commonly known as "runner's high," is thought to be linked to increased BDNF levels in the brain. So, next time you're feeling that natural high after a workout, you can thank your BDNF gene for it!

COL1A1: The Injury Risk Gene

The COL1A1 gene is responsible for collagen production, a protein that provides strength and flexibility to connective tissues like tendons and ligaments. The GG genotype of the COL1A1 gene is associated with a higher risk of tendon and ligament injuries due to reduced collagen production. This means that individuals with this genotype may be more prone to injuries during physical activity that puts strain on their connective tissues.

However, there are steps you can take to prevent such injuries. If you have the GG genotype of the COL1A1 gene, it's crucial to prioritize injury prevention in your training routine. This might include incorporating flexibility and mobility exercises to improve joint range of motion, focusing on proper form and technique to reduce the risk of overuse injuries, and allowing adequate recovery time between workouts to give your body time to repair and rebuild.

It's also worth noting that professional athletes are not immune to the impact of genetics on injury risk. Studies suggest that the GG genotype of the COL1A1 gene is more prevalent among athletes who have experienced tendon and ligament injuries during their careers. However, it's important to remember that while genetics can play a role in injury risk, other factors such as training volume, intensity, and recovery practices can also significantly impact injury prevention.

IL-6: The Inflammation and Recovery Gene

The IL-6 gene is a critical player in the body's inflammatory response to exercise, which can have a significant impact on recovery time and muscle soreness. The GG genotype of the IL-6 gene is associated with a higher inflammatory response to exercise, which could potentially lead to slower recovery times and increased muscle soreness.

If you possess the GG genotype of the IL-6 gene, it's essential to prioritize recovery and reduce inflammation in your training routine. This may include incorporating active recovery sessions, focusing on proper nutrition and hydration, getting adequate rest, and utilizing techniques like foam rolling or massage to help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation.

Curious Fact: Did you know that exercise can change the way certain genes are expressed? Regular physical activity can have a positive effect on gene expression, leading to changes in muscle growth, metabolism, and other important processes in the body.

Step-by-Step Guide to Unraveling Your Genetics and Enhancing Your Training

Testing for genes related to athletic performance can help individuals tailor their training routines to optimize their genetic strengths. For example, understanding one's ACTN3 genotype can provide insight into their predisposition to power and speed-based activities versus endurance-based activities. Incorporating training methods that align with one's genetic predispositions can lead to more efficient progress and potentially greater success in their chosen sport.

Similarly, knowing one's ACE genotype can inform exercise choices based on whether they may have a natural advantage in endurance sports or power-based sports. By targeting training methods that align with one's genetic strengths, individuals may be able to optimize their training and achieve their fitness goals more effectively.

In addition to performance-related genes, genes related to injury risk and recovery can also inform training strategies. For example, individuals with the GG genotype of the COL1A1 gene may need to prioritize injury prevention and incorporate flexibility and mobility exercises to prevent tendon and ligament injuries.

Overall, genetic testing can provide valuable information to individuals looking to optimize their training routines, prevent injuries, and achieve their fitness goals more efficiently.

Inside the DNA Health Test

Step 1: Explore Genetic Testing Options

First and foremost, it's essential to explore your genetic testing options to better understand how your DNA may influence your fitness potential. There are various DNA testing companies that specialize in fitness and exercise genetics, and it's crucial to compare their offerings, pricing, and credibility to find a reputable provider. For instance, KOKORA is a DNA health testing company that offers comprehensive genetic testing and personalized recommendations based on your specific fitness goals. By selecting a reliable testing company, you can gain valuable insights into your genetic makeup, enabling you to optimize your training and achieve your fitness aspirations.

Step 2: Collect and Send Your DNA sample

The Kokora DNA Health Test is a simple to complete at home saliva test which can be completed in as little as 5 minutes.

  1. Order either the DNA Health Test Kit or the DNA + Epigenetics Test kit
  2. Complete the test using the instructions provided
  3. Send your saliva sample back to the lab using the prepaid mailer provided

Step 3: Review Your Genetic Results and Personalized Recommendations

Your DNA results are sent back to you via the Kokora app where you can see a full breakdown of how your genes could be affecting certain areas of your physical health, which in turn can be used to improve and dial in on your exercise and training regime.

Step 4: Implement the Recommendations Into Your Training and Lifestyle

The Kokora app provides a genetic action plan complete with a nutrition and exercise plan that has been designed around your genetic variants and your lifestyle in order to make your exercise as efficient and effective as possible so you can reach your health goals faster.


Step 5: Continuously monitor, adjust, and improve

  • Track your progress over time, noting any improvements or setbacks.
  • Regularly reassess your genetic recommendations in light of your evolving fitness level, goals, and lifestyle changes.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest research and advancements in exercise genetics to further optimize your training and overall health.


Understanding the impact of genetics on exercise and training can help you harness the power of your unique genetic makeup to optimize your performance and overall health. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you can unlock your full athletic potential and enjoy a more personalized, effective training experience.

Remember, while genes are an essential piece of the puzzle, hard work, consistency, and a healthy lifestyle are crucial to achieving your fitness goals. So, embrace the insights that genetics can provide, but never underestimate the power of determination and dedication.
