3 Key Pillars of Your Genetic Health: Nutrition, Fitness, & Aging Explained

DNA Testing
Health Insights
3 Key Pillars of Your Genetic Health: Nutrition, Fitness, & Aging Explained


  1. Introduction
  2. DNA 101
  3. Personalised Nutrition & Genetics
  4. Personalised Fitness & Genetics
  5. Personalised Supplements & Genetics
  6. Conclusion

In 30 seconds...Step into the future of health and wellness with DNA and Epigenetic testing that goes beyond ancestry to reveal your body's unique needs. These tests analyze your genetic markers to offer personalised nutrition plans, exercise regimes, and supplement recommendations. Ever wondered why caffeine keeps you up all night or why you're lactose intolerant? Your genes have the answers. From pinpointing your ideal diet based on specific genes like LCT and CYP1A2, to crafting exercise plans that align with your natural strengths, these tests are revolutionising the way we approach health. It's not just a fad; it's a lifestyle transformation backed by science. Ready to unlock your genetic potential?


It's not a stretch to say that we're in the midst of a revolution. Not the kind with placards and protest chants, but rather one that involves petri dishes and pipettes. The rapidly advancing field of genetic health is transforming our understanding of what it means to live a truly healthy lifestyle. You may have heard of Ancestry or Ancestry DNA tests, however, increasingly people are turning to comprehensive genetic testing for health. If you have been looking for the best DNA tests for personalized health, look no further. DNA & Epigenetic health tests to uncover the secrets coded into their genes, sparking a shift from one-size-fits-all health advice to a new era of ultra-personalised wellness.

Understanding the Basics: DNA & Epigenetics

To truly appreciate this revolution, it's crucial to grasp what DNA and Epigenetics are all about. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is like the instruction manual for your body. It's a set of genetic instructions that guide the development, growth, functioning, and reproduction of all living organisms. DNA codes for your traits, from the colour of your eyes to your susceptibility to certain health conditions.

On the other hand, Epigenetics is like the puppet master controlling the DNA puppet. Understanding health through Epigenetic testing isnt as complicated as it sounds. It refers to changes in gene expression that don't involve alterations to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can be influenced by a variety of factors, including age, environment, lifestyle, and disease state. It's like having a light switch; the DNA might be the light bulb, but the Epigenetics decide whether the light is on or off.

DNA and Epigenetic Health Tests

So, what's all the fuss about these DNA and Epigenetic health tests? Simply put, these tests analyze your genetic information and epigenetic markers, providing a treasure trove of data about your health, risks, and genetic tendencies. It's like taking a peek into your body's unique genetic cookbook and seeing what recipes make you, well, you.

The process is easier than cooking a Sunday roast. For a DNA Health Test, it's as simple as collecting a saliva sample at home and sending it off to a lab.

Personalisation Health

Unlocking the secrets hidden in your DNA and Epigenetics can open the door to highly personalised health strategies, where every nutrition plan, exercise regime, and supplement recommendation is tailor-made for you. Let's explore how understanding your genetic makeup can help to optimise your lifestyle.

1. DNA Diet & Nutrition Optimisation

By analysing specific genes, we can glean valuable insights into your unique nutritional requirements and sensitivities. This can help guide your dietary choices, ensuring that you're nourishing your body in the most effective way possible. Here's how that could look:

Lactose Intolerance (LCT Gene)

Certain individuals carry a variant in the LCT gene which could lead to lactose intolerance. If you're one of those people, you might benefit from a dairy-free or lactose-reduced diet. Instead of regular dairy products, you could opt for lactose-free alternatives or plant-based products such as almond milk, coconut yogurt, or soy cheese.

Caffeine Metabolism (CYP1A2 gene)

A variant in the CYP1A2 gene could influence how fast or slow you metabolise caffeine. "Fast metabolisers" may handle their daily espresso without a hitch, while "slow metabolizers" might want to think twice before accepting that cup of joe after dinner. Consider replacing caffeine-rich drinks with herbal teas or decaffeinated versions to keep your energy levels steady without the side effects.

Vitamin D Requirement (GC gene)

Some folks have a variation in the GC gene that can affect the body's Vitamin D transportation. They might need a little more sunshine, Vitamin D-rich foods, or supplements to keep their Vitamin D levels in check. Foods rich in Vitamin D include fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, fortified dairy products, egg yolks, and beef liver. In some cases, a vitamin D supplement might be recommended, especially during winter months when sunlight is scarce.

Gluten Sensitivity/Celiac Disease (HLA-DQ genes)

Certain variants of the HLA-DQ genes are linked with an increased risk for celiac disease, a condition characterised by an immune reaction to gluten. Those with these gene variants might benefit from swapping out wheat-based pasta for a gluten-free version, or choosing quinoa, buckwheat, and other gluten-free grains over traditional wheat products. Other gluten-free foods include fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, most dairy products, and legumes.

Unlock your Personalised Nutrition Guide

In addition to the DNA test, when you received your genetic results, you also receive a personalised meal guide & planner, delivered via the app. This is designed specifically to your unique genetic makeup. This comprehensive guide aims to address your genetic predispositions, making it easier to navigate any food intolerances or deficiencies. This is a invaluable resource for filling nutritional gaps and facilitating healthier, more balanced eating habits. Imagine having a roadmap to the best possible diet for your body's specific needs.

2. Personalised Exercise Plan Based on DNA

Genetic testing can provide valuable information about an individual's response to various forms of exercise, allowing you to tailor your training plan to your body's natural strengths and tendencies. Here are a few examples:

ACTN3 Gene and Muscle Power

The ACTN3 gene can influence your muscles' capability to carry out high power movements like sprinting or weightlifting. Depending on the specific variant of this gene you have, you might be naturally predisposed towards endurance activities over power-based exercises. For example, if you have a variant that predisposes you to power-based activities, you may find that incorporating more strength training and sprint work into your workout regimen leads to more efficient results and progress.

VEGF Gene and Aerobic Capacity

The VEGF gene plays a significant role in your body's response to training involving aerobic capacity. Depending on your variant of this gene, your aerobic capacity might see greater improvements in response to training. If you have a variant that responds well to aerobic exercise, incorporating more cardio-based activities such as running, cycling, or swimming into your routine might help enhance your cardiovascular fitness levels more rapidly.

COL5A1 Gene and Flexibility

Some individuals have genetic variations in the COL5A1 gene that are associated with higher flexibility. They might find themselves more adept at activities that require flexibility, like yoga or gymnastics. If you have this genetic variant, you could consider incorporating flexibility-focused exercises into your fitness routine. This could include dynamic stretching, yoga classes, or Pilates, to help you tap into your genetic potential.

ACE Gene and Endurance

The ACE gene can influence your endurance. Some individuals with a specific variant of this gene may excel in endurance sports like marathon running or long-distance cycling. If you're one of these individuals, focusing more on long-distance endurance training rather than short, high-intensity exercises could lead to better performance and improved fitness levels. This might mean extending your bike rides or runs or opting for steady-state cardio over high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

PPARGC1A Gene and Muscle Recovery

The PPARGC1A gene can impact how quickly your muscles recover after exercise. Those with a particular variant might bounce back from a tough workout faster than others. If you carry this variant, you might find that you can handle more frequent or intense training sessions without suffering from prolonged muscle soreness or fatigue. To make the most of this, you could explore high-intensity workouts or multi-day training, confident in your body's ability to recover effectively.

Harnessing the knowledge from your genetic profile allows you to build a training plan that works with your natural strengths, rather than against them, helping to optimise your workouts for more significant results.

In App Training Plan

The  KOKORA app offers personalised training plans based on your unique genetic profile. The app considers your genetic predispositions towards different types of exercises and crafts a plan that aligns with your body's natural strengths. These plans are designed to enhance the effectiveness of your training sessions, boost recovery, and reduce the risk of injury, thereby aiding in a seamless and enjoyable fitness journey. The app also allows for adjustments based on your preferences and goals, making it an indispensable tool in your journey towards peak fitness. You have a comprehensive guide to help you navigate your fitness path, turning your unique genetic insights into action.

3. Personalised Supplements for Optimal Health

By understanding your genetic makeup, you can optimise your supplement intake to better meet your body's needs through personalised supplements. Here are some examples of how genetic testing can inform your supplementation strategy:

Vitamin D (GC gene)

As previously mentioned, certain variants of the GC gene might lead to lower Vitamin D levels. Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency could include fatigue, bone pain, and muscle weakness. Supplementing with Vitamin D can help improve bone health, boost your immune system, and potentially improve mood and energy levels.

Folic Acid (MTHFR gene)

Variations in the MTHFR gene can affect how your body metabolises folic acid. If you carry these variants, a different form of folic acid, known as methylfolate, might be easier for your body to use. Symptoms of folate deficiency include fatigue, gray hair, mouth sores, tongue swelling, and growth problems. Folate supplementation is particularly important for pregnant women, as it helps prevent neural tube defects in the developing baby.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids (FADS1 and FADS2 genes)

Certain genetic variants can affect your body's ability to convert plant-based omega-3 fatty acids into the forms used by the body. In such cases, you might need to up your intake of omega-3-rich foods or consider fish oil supplements. Symptoms of omega-3 deficiency can include dry skin, lifeless hair, brittle nails, insomnia, poor concentration, fatigue, and joint discomfort. Regular intake of omega-3 supplements can help improve heart health, support mental well-being, and reduce inflammation in the body.

Vitamin A (BCMO1 gene)

The BCMO1 gene plays a vital role in your body's conversion of beta-carotene (found in fruits and vegetables) into vitamin A. If you possess certain genetic variants, this conversion process may be less efficient, potentially leading to vitamin A deficiency. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency include poor night vision, dry skin, and frequent throat and chest infections. In such instances, taking a direct vitamin A supplement might be advisable. Vitamin A supports eye health, skin health, and the immune system.

Iron (TMPRSS6 gene)

The TMPRSS6 gene is instrumental in regulating iron levels in the body. Some variants can predispose you to either iron overload or iron deficiency. Depending on your specific variant, you may need to adjust your iron intake accordingly. Symptoms of iron deficiency include tiredness, pale skin, weakness, and impaired cognitive function, while iron overload can result in tiredness, joint pain, and a decrease in libido. Iron supplements can help support the creation of healthy red blood cells, improve energy levels, and boost cognitive function.

Supplement Guidance

In the KOKORA app, you'll find personalised supplement guidance based on your unique genetic profile. This feature allows you to navigate the often confusing world of supplementation in a targeted and scientifically-backed way. Every supplement recommendation you receive in the app is rooted in the latest scientific research and tailored to your genetic predispositions, ensuring that you're only recommended supplements that can truly benefit you. Furthermore, KOKORA ensures the recommended supplements are of high quality, thus offering you the best chance to optimize your health and wellness based on your unique genetic makeup.

Harnessing your genetic insights can lead to a supplement regimen that is more likely to fill any nutritional gaps, potentially leading to improved health, reduced symptoms of deficiency, and overall better well-being.

Personalised Health Tech for Better Living

As technology continues to evolve and our understanding of the complex interplay between genes and lifestyle deepens, the future of DNA and epigenetic health testing looks incredibly promising. We're standing on the brink of a new era in health and wellness, where personalised strategies, guided by our unique genetic makeup and epigenetic modifications, can drive us towards optimal health. 


To wrap up, understanding your unique DNA and epigenetic markers holds tremendous potential for personalised health and wellness strategies. At the forefront of this revolution are the best DNA tests for personalised health via their starter DNA Health Tests or if you want to take it to the next genetic level  to improve health with Epigenetic Testing, then their DNA + Epigenetic Health Tests is the place to start. Both offer a wealth of insights about your health, diet, fitness, and aging tendencies. These tests not only unlock your unique genetic blueprint but also provide actionable insights, leading to personalised wellness strategies for a healthier, happier, and potentially longer life.

So, are you ready to unlock you personalised health plans based on genetics?
